
A fix has been implemented and access to Slack is fully restored. We will continue to closely monitor this situation for any re-occurrence. This incident is now closed.


We are aware of WSS customers experiencing DNS errors when accessing Slack application. This is due to issues Slack experienced earlier today. We are currently working on flushing DNS on our side to restore Slack access.

There is no impact to protection services and all other aspects of our service remain operational. We will provide further updates as new information is discovered.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Cloud Secure Web Gateway
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Americas
      • Buenos Aires, Argentina (GARBA)
      • Columbia, South Carolina (GUSCO)
      • Des Moines, Iowa (GUSDM)
      • Las Vegas, Nevada (GUSLV)
      • Los Angeles, California (GUSLA)
      • Mexico City, Mexico (GMXMC)
      • Montreal, Canada (GCAMO)
      • Portland, Oregon (GUSPO)
      • Sao Paulo, Brazil (GBRSP)
      • Washington, DC (GUSAS)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - APAC
      • Auckland, New Zealand (GNZAU)
      • Hong Kong (GCNHK)
      • Jakarta, Indonesia (GIDJK)
      • Mumbai, India (GINMU)
      • Osaka, Japan (GJPOS)
      • Seoul, South Korea (GKRSE)
      • Singapore (GSGRS)
      • Sydney, Australia (GAUSY)
      • Taipei, Taiwan (GTWTA)
      • Tokyo, Japan (GJPTK)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Europe And The Middle East
      • Abu Dhabi, UAE (GAEAD)
      • Amsterdam, the Netherlands (GNLAM)
      • Brussels, Belgium (GBEBR)
      • Bucharest, Romania (GROBU)
      • Copenhagen, Denmark (GDKCP)
      • Dubai, UAE (GAEDX)
      • Dublin, Ireland (GIEDU)
      • Frankfurt, Germany (GDEFR)
      • Helsinki, Finland (GFIHE)
      • London, England (GGBLO)
      • Madrid, Spain (GESTO) ( Previously Madrid, Spain (GESMA))
      • Milan, Italy (GITMI)
      • Oslo, Norway (GNOOS)
      • Paris, France (GFRPA) / Paris, France (GFRVE)
      • Stockholm, Sweden (GSESK)
      • Zurich, Switzerland (GCHZU)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Africa
      • Johannesburg, South Africa GZASO (Previously Johannesburg GZAJB)