Email Threat Detection and Response Data Feed API Reporting Service Degradation (NAM Infrastructure)


A technical issue rendered reporting metadata related to the Email Security Service's Data Feed API during the period between April 14, 2021 19:15:29 UTC and May 7, 2021 13:16:01 UTC to be destroyed and irretrievable. As a result, affected Email Threat Detection and Response customers may notice a 1/3 to 1/2 decrease in the volume of their metadata reports for that period. The issue was corrected upon discovery, and is now permanently resolved. The data concerned contained only metadata related to emails processed by the service, and none of it was ever exposed in any way. No customer organization or user was ever at risk. This did not affect any email traffic, so no email content was lost at any point. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Please rest assured that we have implemented the necessary measures to prevent a recurrence of this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Customer Support team.

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