
As per our investigation, this issue was incorrectly classified as an incident. Customers with the correct configuration will experience no issues using IPsec tunnel with Certificate Based authentication. This incident is resolved.


We are investigating reports of an issue impacting customers using IPsec tunnel with Certificate Based authentication. Impacted customers may see their IPsec tunnel disconnect and not come back up. All other connection methods remain operational.

We are investigating the issue and will provide additional updates as new information becomes available. Please note that all other aspects of our Web Security Service remain functional.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Cloud Secure Web Gateway
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Americas
      • Buenos Aires, Argentina (GARBA)
      • Columbia, South Carolina (GUSCO)
      • Des Moines, Iowa (GUSDM)
      • Las Vegas, Nevada (GUSLV)
      • Los Angeles, California (GUSLA)
      • Mexico City, Mexico (GMXMC)
      • Montreal, Canada (GCAMO)
      • Portland, Oregon (GUSPO)
      • Sao Paulo, Brazil (GBRSP)
      • Washington, DC (GUSAS)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - APAC
      • Auckland, New Zealand (GNZAU)
      • Hong Kong (GCNHK)
      • Mumbai, India (GINMU)
      • Osaka, Japan (GJPOS)
      • Seoul, South Korea (GKRSE)
      • Singapore (GSGRS)
      • Sydney, Australia (GAUSY)
      • Taipei, Taiwan (GTWTA)
      • Tokyo, Japan (GJPTK)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Europe And The Middle East
      • Abu Dhabi, UAE (GAEAD)
      • Amsterdam, the Netherlands (GNLAM)
      • Bucharest, Romania (GROBU)
      • Copenhagen, Denmark (GDKCP)
      • Dubai, UAE (GAEDX)
      • Dublin, Ireland (GIEDU)
      • Frankfurt, Germany (GDEFR)
      • Helsinki, Finland (GFIHE)
      • London, England (GGBLO)
      • Madrid, Spain (GESTO) ( Previously Madrid, Spain (GESMA))
      • Milan, Italy (GITMI)
      • Oslo, Norway (GNOOS)
      • Paris, France (GFRPA) / Paris, France (GFRVE)
      • Stockholm, Sweden (GSESK)
      • Zurich, Switzerland (GCHZU)
    • Point of Presence (POP) - Africa
      • Johannesburg, South Africa GZASO (Previously Johannesburg GZAJB)