
We have completed our emergency portal maintenance. All provisioning delays have been cleared.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance. Most partner orders continue to be processed in a timely fashion. However, a small subset of orders may continue to experience provisioning delays, which are then being manually processed by our engineers. The next update will be provided once all provisioning delays have been cleared.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance. All partners can now login to the portal and place orders. However, they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. This maintenance will now be extended into Monday (PST) at which point we will hopefully conclude this activity. Our next update will be provided on Monday (PST) or as new information becomes available.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance. All partners can now login to the portal and place orders. However, they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance. All partners can now login to the portal and place orders. However, they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance. All partners can now login to the portal and place orders. However, they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return back to full operation.


We are close to the completion of our emergency portal maintenance and apologize for the inconvenience caused. The vast majority of our partners and customers can now login to the portal and operate all functionality with no provisioning delays. We anticipate the last few partners and customers access will be reactivated during Thursday (PST) at which point we will hopefully conclude this activity.


We are close to the completion of our emergency portal maintenance and apologize for the inconvenience caused. The vast majority of our partners and customers can now login to the portal and operate all functionality with no provisioning delays. We anticipate the last few partners and customers access will be reactivated during Thursday (PST) at which point we will hopefully conclude this activity.


We are close to the completion of our emergency portal maintenance and apologize for the inconvenience caused. The vast majority of our partners and customers can now login to the portal and operate all functionality with no provisioning delays. We anticipate the last few partners and customers access will be reactivated during Thursday (PST) at which point we will hopefully conclude this activity.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

All partners and customers can now login to the portal and place orders. However they may continue to experience a delay in provisioning. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance and will be applying a fix between 03:45 and 04:15 UTC. During this time partners and customers will not be able to place orders or obtain trial subscriptions.

We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

During the maintenance period, new transactions will be accepted through Marketplace but there will be provisioning delays. Partners may also experience provisioning delay. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

During the maintenance period, new transactions will be accepted through Marketplace but there will be provisioning delays. Partners may also experience provisioning delay. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


We are continuing our emergency portal maintenance.

During the maintenance period, new transactions will be accepted through Marketplace but there will be provisioning delays. Partners may also experience provisioning delay. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.


Symantec is performing emergency maintenance of Symantec Cloud MarketPlace.

Impact During the maintenance period, new transactions will be accepted through Marketplace but there will be provisioning delays. Partners may also experience provisioning delay. We will provide updates as we progress through the maintenance to return the portal back to full operation.

Began at:

Affected components